Editorial |
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| · Measuring knowledge production: limitations and challenges
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Reviews |
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| · La identidad en los límites del sentido Aranguren Romero, Juan Pablo
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Original contributions |
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| · Profiles of successful rural schools: proposed educational psychology to school closures Vera-Bachmann, Daniela; Salvo, Sonia
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| · Prediction Model of Satisfaction and Enjoyment in Physical Education from the Autonomy and Motivational Climate Baena-Extremera, Antonio; Gómez-López, Manuel; Granero-Gallegos, Antonio; Martínez-Molina, Marina
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| · The Differential Outcomes Effect: a Case of Translational Research Mateos Morfín, Laura Rebeca; Flores Aguirre, Carlos Javier
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| · Development and Psychometric Properties of a New Questionnaire for Assessing Mental Health Literacy in Young People Campos, Luísa; Dias, Pedro; Palha, Filipa; Duarte, Ana; Veiga, Elisa
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| · Emotional Intelligence and Perception of Basic Emotions as a Possible Contributing Factor to Improve Sales Performance: A Theoretical Research Polo-Vargas, Jean David; Zambrano, Milton; Muñoz, Andrés; Velilla, Jorge
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| · Inhibition and Updating in Text Comprehension: a Review Roldán, Luis ángel
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| · Adaptation and Validation of the Self efficacy Sense Questionnaire in a Sample of Chilean Teachers Covarrubias Apablaza, Carmen Gloria; Mendoza Lira, Michelle Celinda
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| · Validity of a Scale Measuring Intellectual Capital in Universities Mercado-Salgado, Patricia
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| · What do Teachers Think about Children Academically Talented? An Approach to Middle School Teachers Conceptions in Chile Cabrera-Murcia, Elsa Piedad; Udaquiola, Cecilia
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| · Instructional Control Role in the Study of Verbal Regulatory Trends Ruiz Castañeda, Dyanne; Gómez Becerra, María Inmaculada
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| · Psychometric analysis and adaptation of Community Attitudes Toward the Mentally Ill (CAMI) Inventory in a Chilean sample Grandón Fernández, Pamela; Saldivia Bórquez, Sandra; Cova Solar, Félix; Bustos, Claudio; Turra Chávez, Víctor
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| · Within-group inter-rater agreement for the Bender Gestalt Visualmomor Test, second version (Bender - II) Merino Soto, César; Allen, Ryan; Decker, Scott
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| · Qualitative Analysis on cycle Commuting in Two Cities with Different Cycling Environments and Policies Lois, David; López-Sáez, Mercedes; Rondinella, Gianni
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| · A Documentary Analysis of Research in Dyslexia in Adulthood Soriano-Ferrer, Manuel; Piedra-Martínez, Elisa
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| · Development and validation of the Brief Scale of Self-assessed Wisdom (EBAS) in Argentinian older adults Urrutia, Andrés; Moisset de Espanés, Gastón; Ferrari, César; Borgna, Gabriela; Alderete, Ana María; Villar, Feliciano
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| · Towards a Contextual and Dispositional Hierarchical Model of Learning Cecchini-Estrada, José Antonio; Méndez-Giménez, Antonio; Fernández-Río, Javier
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| · Is there a Relationship between Trait and State Optimism and the Assessment of quality of Life? Urzúa, Alfonso; Caqueo-Urízar, Alejandra; Araya, Claudio; Rocha, Milenka; Valdivia, Paulina
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| · Age of Onset, Motives and Amount of Alcohol Consumed in the Determination of Consequences in College Binge Drinkers Motos Selles, Patricia; Cortés Tomás, María Teresa; Giménez Costa, José Antonio
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| · Psychometric Properties of the Stroop color-word Test in non-pathological Colombian Population Rodríguez Barreto, Lucía Carlota; Pulido, Ninfa del Carmen; Pineda Roa, Carlos Alejandro
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| · Transition to Employment of University Students with Disabilities: Factors for Success Polo Sánchez, María Tamara; López Justicia, María Dolores
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| · Engagement and Human Management in the Enterprise Cuesta Santos, Armando
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| · Health Related-quality of Life in Schoolchildren with Obesity and Overweight in Medellin, Colombia Rodríguez Barrera, Juan Carlos; Bastidas, Myriam; Giuseppe, Genta; Olaya-Contreras, Patricia
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| · Structural Equivalence of an Attitude Toward Religion Scale in Mexico, Nicaragua and China Aguilera Mijares, Santiago; Velasco Matus, Pedro Wolfgang
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| · Universitas Psychologica: a Pathway towards Internationalization Aguado-López, Eduardo; Becerril-García, Arianna; Aguilar Bustamante, María Constanza
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| · Peer Tutoring and Reading Comprehension: an Effective Tandem?The effects of Peer Tutoring on Reading Comprehension Flores Coll, Marta; Duran Gisbert, David
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| · Drive for thinness and pursuit of muscularity: the role of gender ideologies Magallares, Alejandro
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| · Validating the Security in the Family System Scale (SIFS) in two Samples of Spanish Adolescents and Youth Living with their Families and Institutionalized López-Larrosa, Silvia; Mendiri-Ruiz-de-Alda, Paula; Sánchez Souto, Vanesa
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| · Sexual Harassment in the University: Analysis of a Measurement Scale Navarro-Guzmán, Capilla; Ferrer-Pérez, Victoria Aurora; Bosch-Fiol, Esperanza
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| · Examining the Relationship between Selfrumination and Happiness: The Mediating and Moderating Role of Subjective Vitality Sariçam, Hakan
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| · Brief Resilience Scale: Testing its factorial structure and invariance in Brazil de Holanda Coelho, Gabriel Lins; Hanel, Paul H. P; Medeiros Cavalcanti, Thiago; Teixeira Rezende, Alessandro; Veloso Gouveia, Valdiney
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| · A Participatory Action Research Intervention in a Rural Community of Mexico Concerns Report Method Arellano, Rubi; Balcázar, Fabricio E; Alvarado, Francisco; Suárez, Sergio
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