Editorial |
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| · EDITORIAL Andrade-Sánchez, Fernando
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Theory and meta-theory |
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| · Approximation of knowledge and practices in health related to indigenous children in Colombia Ochoa-Acosta, Emilia María; Quintero-Mejía, Marieta
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| · The experiences of the father in the Nicu: a review from a gender perspective Izquierdo-Sánchez, Laura; Ferrer-Ribot, María
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| · Event and Listening: Review of studies on “the fallen student” and the student movement in Colombia Gómez-Agudelo, Jorge Wilson
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| · Photography as a Narrative Medium for the Co-Construction of Alternative Identities in the Context of Drug Abuse Cifuentes-Muñoz, Alejandro; Rojas-Jara, Claudio
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| · Child participation as an approximation to democracy: Challenges from the Chilean experience Díaz-Bórquez, Daniela; Contreras-Shats, Nicolás; Bozo-Carrillo, Natalia
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| · Three decolonial ruptures to rethink professional training in Early Childhood Pedagogy Andrade-Sánchez, Fernando; Lemus-Manrique, Lina María; Lizarazo-Mosquera, Deisy Carolina; Merlano-Galvis, Elba Janneth
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Studies and Research Reports |
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| · Pisotón: Program in the psycho-emotional development in order to determine its possible contribution to peace-building process Manrique-Palacio, Kissy Paola; Zinke, Luise; Russo, Ana Rita
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| · Childhood and child-rearing in a Tzeltal indigenous rural area in Los Altos de Chiapas Peña-Ramos, Martha Olivia; Vera-Noriega, José Ángel; Santiz-López, Jesús Edén
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| · Parental competences that favor the development of executive functions in schoolchildren Bernal-Ruiz, Francisca; Rodríguez-Vera, Montserrat; González-Campos, José; Torres-Álvarez, Alexis
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| · Influence of preterm births on behavioral and emotional processes of primary school age children Ríos-Flórez, Jorge Alexander; ÁlvarEz-Londoño, Luisa María; David-Sierra, Diana Estefanía; Zuleta-Muñoz, Adriana Cecilia
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| · Political action of children and young people in Chile: bodies, performativity and production of subjectivity Figueroa-Grenett, Claudio
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| · The concept of Experience and creative reworking for children in a Quilombola community Fernandes, Maria Lidia Bueno
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| · Voices to listen to about child care: What do children say? Moreno-Roldán, Margarita Rosa; Agudelo-Bedoya, María Eugenia; Alzate-Pulgarín, Valentina
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| · Effects of mistreatment on neurocognition: A study on institutionalized and noninstitutionalized children who have suffered mistreatment Deambrosio, Marisa; Vázquez, Marisel Gutiérrez de; Arán-Filippetti, Vanessa; Román, Fabián
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| · The therapeutic dimension of the musical experience: Fanaticism and reflexive work among young fans of a popular Argentine singer. Aliano, Nicolás
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| · Vital worlds of words: an analysis of adolescent through emotional distress narratives. Carceller-Maicas, Natàlia
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| · “Juarez is not a military base: we want the army out”. Young people against militarization and violence in Ciudad Juarez. Silva-Londoño, Diana Alejandra
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| · Trajectories of militant and political socialization processes for university students in Córdoba (Argentina) Bazán, Alejandro; Vega, Joaquín De la; Dreizik, Matías; Imhoff, Débora
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| · Literacy levels in University Students: Qualitative Interviews and Sociolinguistic Analysis Londoño-Vásquez, David Alberto; Bermúdez, Héctor L.
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| · University dropouts: between institutional detachment and a search for meaning in life Valdés-Henao, Carolina
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| · Victimization, resilience and mental health of college students in Tamaulipas, Mexico Almanza-Avendaño, Ariagor Manuel; Luis, Anel Hortensia Gómez-San; Gurrola-Peña, Gloria Margarita
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| · When learning in school is (im)possible Rocha, Juliana dos Santos; Rozek, Marlene
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| · Towards an understanding learning in digital socio-cultural environments and the implications for education Morales-Barrera, Magda Concepción
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| · Representations of ‘the political’ among secondary students in Santiago, Chile. Redefining the meaning of citizenship education Ravelo-Medina, Marcia; Radovic-Sendra, Yubitza
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| · Construction and analysis of a social vulnerability index in young population Hernández, Jonathan; Cardona-Arango, Doris; Segura-Cardona, Ángela M.
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| · Managing sexualities in criminal systems: female adolescents López-Gallego, Laura; Galeotti-Galmés, Raquel; Montes-Maldonado, Cecilia
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