Editorial |
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| · Scientific Publications in Psychology in Times of Pandemic Aguilar Bustamante, María Constanza
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Artigos |
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| · Effects of Training in Conditional Relational Framing on the Deictic Relational Responding Quiroga-Baquero, Luis A.; Rendón, María Isabel; Montoya-Rodríguez, María M.; Salas-Cuervo, Daniel C.
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| · Health-Related Quality of Life in Adolescents From Three Educational Institutions in Valle de Aburra Álvarez, Damián; Yarce Metrio, Emanuel; Steven Correa, Marlon; Montoya Grisales, Noelva Eliana; González Palacio, Enoc Valentín
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| · Social-Emotional Factors: A Literature Review in the Field of Child Assessment Morales-Volveras, Laura Camila; Morales-Quintero, Luz Anyela; Avendaño Prieto, Bertha Lucía
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| · Dynamic or Third-Generation Cognitive Theories: A Documentary Analysis of Original Qualitative Research Articles Pérez-Parra, Julio Ernesto; Restrepo de Mejía, Francia
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| · Understandings Around the Concept of Transition to Adulthood and its Relationship with Autonomy From the Systemic Paradigm Fonseca Gutiérrez, Verónica
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| · Perception of Disaster Risk Among Inhabitants of the Municipality of Pijao, Quindío, Colombia Pineda López, Olga Liliana; Arbeláez Caro, Joan Sebastian; Castaño Morales, Jamer Mateo; Medina Moreno, Laura Andrea; Roa García, Laura Dayana; Rojas Aristizabal, Laura
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| · Review on Studies in the Academic Field of Disability and Persons with Disabilities Naranjo Tamayo, Diana Catalina; Orejuela, Johnny
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| · Questionnaire for the Classification of the Stages of Change and Cessation of Consumption of Cigarette/Tobacco CCET Londoño Pérez, Constanza; Velasco Salamanca, Marcela; Guanumen Niño, Julián David; Pardo Adames, Carlos; Tibavija, Lina
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| · Knowledge and Perceptions of Climate Change Among University Students Rodríguez Pacheco, Farid Leonardo; Mejía Rodríguez, Dania Liz; Sánchez Buitrago, Jorge Oswaldo
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| · Escala de crenças sobre o uso de questionários em pesquisas científicas: evidências psicométricas preliminares Vieira de Figueiredo, Camilla; Magalhães de Moura, Hysla; Amaral Rodrigues, Marcela; Pinto dos Santos, Luiza Armanda; Barros de Abreu, Amanda; Almeida Ventura Queiroga, Nicole
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| · Techniques and Strategies Implemented in the Intervention With Families on Parenting Issues Bedoya Cardona, Ledy Maryory; Herrera Rivera, Ovidio
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| · Difficulties in Reading Comprehension in Children With ADHD Martínez Hernández, Ingrid María; Acosta Silva, David Arturo
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| · Psychological Wellbeing and Sociodemographic Variables in a Sample of Chilean University Workers and Students Jorquera Gutiérrez, Ricardo
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| · Sensitive and Creative Narratives: A Methodological Proposal for Research With Children and Young People Living With Chronic Diseases Ospina-Ramírez, David Arturo; Ospina-Alvarado, María Camila
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| · Advances in the Study of the Continuity of Neuroticism and its Maladaptive Variant: Application of the Item Response Theory Sánchez González, Juan Franco; Attorresi, Horacio Felix; Juan Pablo Abal, Facundo
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| · Avaliação psicológica no contexto do luto infantil: contribuições da Teoria Bioecológica do Desenvolvimento Humano Saraiva Menezes, Karolline de Jesus; Callegaro Borsa, Juliane
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| · What is Involved in Enjoying Sport? Presentation of an Instrument for its Evaluation Schmidt, Vanina; Molina, María Fernanda; Raimundi, María Julia; Celsi, Ignacio; González, Alejandra; Pérez-Gaido, Mauro; García Arabehety, María
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