Editorial |
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| · La salud mental en Colombia. Un campo atravesado por la ley Tobón Lotero, Juan Diego
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Research article |
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| · A proposal for the design and approach of the street dweller from a psychoanalytic perspective Báez, Jairo; González Jiménez, Angélica María; Fernández Jaimes, Carol
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| · A review of the methodology and statistical model theoretical orientation of cultural and deviant conduct: proposal of a parsimonious model Formiga, Nilton S; Carvalho Oliveira Rocha, Marseilly; De Souza Santos Pinto, Amanda; Aparecida Dos Reis, Daniela; da Silva Costa, Sônia Maria
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| · Psychometric properties of the Questionnaire of Working Conditions (qCT) in a Multi-occupational Venezuelan Sample Millán, Anthony; Calvanese, Nicolina; D'Aubeterre, María Eugenia
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| · Reading habits of children's parents with and without nonspecific reading difficulties from Cali, Colombia Córdoba Rey, Eva María; Quijano Martínez, María Cristina; Cadavid Ruiz, Natalia
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| · Socio-cognitive skills children to solve problems with peers Moreno, Cecilia Beatriz; Ison, Mirta Susana
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| · Defining and characterizing the concept of Internet Meme Castaño Díaz, Carlos Mauricio
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| · Choice behavior under self-control paradigm and academic performance in a group situation Gómez Delgado, Yamile Andrea; Muñoz Rosero, Diana Marcela; Benavides Martínez, Juan Carlos; Luna Tascón, Edwin Gerardo; Ortiz Delgado, Leonidas Alfonso
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Case report |
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| · Cognitive profile characterization and functional motor in patients with complex regional syndrome painful and nerve pain: case series Pérez, Diana Patricia Castrillón; Martínez Severiche, Eduard; García Giraldo, Ángela María; Suárez-Escudero, Juan Camilo
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Topic review |
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| · Theoretical bases and intervention strategies in neuropsychological rehabilitation in adults with acquired brain disfunction Carvajal-Castrillón, Julián; Restrepo Pelaez, Adelaida
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| · New challenges for the neuropsychologist: A contribution to pediatric oncology units Quintero-Gallego, Eliana Alexey; Cisneros, Eduardo
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Reflection article |
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| · Imagination and freedom Echeverri Álvarez, Jonathan
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| · Between progression and regression: identity configuration in process of loss Alvis Rizzo, Alexander; Duque Sierra, Carmen Patricia; Rodríguez Bustamante, Alexander
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