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| · Study by infrared spectroscopy and thermogravimetry of the effect of temperature on nickel-aluminum hydrotalcites Ríos-León, Ilich; Solano-Polo, Cesar; Rodríguez-Ruiz, Johana; Espinosa-Fuentes, Eduardo; Meza-Fuentes, Edgardo
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| · Parallel kinematics machine tools: Research, development and future trends Serje-Martínez, David Alfonso; Pacheco-Bolívar, Jovanny Alejandro
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| · Heterogeneous networks of neurons that recognize signatures neural Carrillo-Medina, José Luis; Espinel-Mena, Gonzalo Patricio
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| · Expression of recombinant Cry 1Ac protein in potato plant cell suspension culture: Establishment of culture and optimization of biomass and protein production by nitrogen supply Nova-López, Carlos Julio; Muñoz-Pérez, Jorge Mario; Granger-Serrano, Luisa Fernanda; Arias-Zabala, Mario Evelio; Arango-Isaza, Rafael Eduardo
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| · Detection of open-pit mining zones by implementing spectral indices and image fusion techniques Castellanos-Quiroz, Henry Omar A.; Ramírez-Daza, Héctor Mauricio; Ivanova, Yulia
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| · Environmental management, sustainability and competitiveness in mining. Contextualization of situation, and challenges of the approach through the life-cycle assessment Carmona-García, Uriel; Cardona-Trujillo, Harold; Restrepo-Tarquino, Inés
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| · Orden management for oncology drugs using stochastic programming Arango-Serna, Martín Darío; Serna-Urán, Conrado Augusto; Patiño-Rivera, Brenda Ellen
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| · Application of artificial neural networks in modeling deforestation associated with new road infrastructure projects Gómez-Ossa, Luisa Fernanda; Botero-Fernández, Verónica
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| · New methodology to diagnose reliability of a single distribution circuit in Colombia Echeverry-Herrera, Jorge Alberto; Lozano-Moncada, Carlos Arturo
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| · Preparation of carrageenan biofilms mixed with silver nanoparticles by biological synthesis method Osorio-Echavarría, Jerónimo; Gómez-Vanegas, Natalia Andrea; Osorio-Echavarría, Juliana; Ossa-Orozco, Claudia Patricia
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| · Theoretical and experimental study of the electronic, crystalline, morphologic, compositional, magnetic and dielectric properties of the Sr2DyNbO6 material Cardona, Ramiro; Landínez-Téllez, David A.; Roa-Rojas, Jairo
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| · Multitemporal analysis of the vegetation cover in the area of influence of the mines located in the high part of Maltería in Manizales, Colombia Flórez-Yepes, Gloria Yaneth; Rincon-Santamaría, Alejandro; Cardona, Pablo Santiago; Alzate-Alvarez, Angela María
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| · Performance analysis of 2R optical regeneration by cross gain compression using multiple quantum well semiconductor optical amplifiers Perilla-Martinez, Victor H.; Puerto-Leguizamón, Gustavo A.; Suárez-Fajardo, Carlos A.
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| · Use of constitutive equations by Hardening Soil Model for the characterization of the Blue Guadalquivir Marls from pressuremeter tests Escolano-Sánchez, Félix; Bueno-Aguado, Manuel; Serna, Alberto Mazariegos-de la
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| · Improvements in the processing of agricultural commodities: The case of cocoa liquor Castro Fettermann, Diego; Oliveira Sant’Anna, Ângelo Márcio; Tortorella, Guilherme Luz; Zandonai, Giuliano Alberton; Soares Echeveste, Márcia Elisa
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| · Comparison of the fire resistance of two structural wall systems in Light Steel Framing Bolina, Fabricio; Christ, Roberto; Metzler, Andreas; Quinino, Uziel; Tutikian, Bernardo
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| · Operations research as a decision-making tool in the health sector: A state of the art Romero-Conrado, Alfonso R.; Castro-Bolaño, Lauren J.; Montoya-Torres, Jairo R.; Jiménez-Barros, Miguel Á.
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| · Obtaining the electrical impedance phase using Wavelet transform and Fourier transform from transient signals. Part 1: Theoretical analysis Gómez-Luna, Eduardo; Cuartas-Bermúdez, Juan Sebastián; Marles-Sáenz, Eduardo
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| · Hybrid methodology for modeling short-term wind power generation using conditional kernel density estimation and singular spectrum analysis Aguilar, Soraida; Castro Souza, Reinaldo; Pessanha, José Francisco; Cyrino Oliveira, Fernando Luiz
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| · Life cycle analysis of biodiesel production from used vegetal oil Vidal-Benavides, Ana Isabel; Quintero-Díaz, Juan Carlos; Herrera-Orozco, Israel
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| · Sugar cane bagasse ash as a pozzolanic material Mansaneira, Emerson Carlos; Schwantes-Cezario, Nicole; Barreto-Sandoval, Gersson Fernando; Martins-Toralles, Berenice
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| · Optimizing the use of cranes and trucks in forestry operations Pradenas-Rojas, Lorena; Passicot-Guzmán, Philippe
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| · Wearable low-cost inertial sensor-based electrogoniometer for measuring joint range of motion Ruiz-Olaya, Andrés F.; Callejas-Cuervo, Mauro; Lara-Herrera, Claudia N.
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| · Identification of wetland areas in the context of agricultural development using Remote Sensing and GIS Anaya-Acevedo, Jesús Adolfo; Escobar-Martínez, John Fernando; Massone, Héctor; Booman, Gisel; Quiroz-Londoño, Orlando Mauricio; Cañón-Barriga, César Camilo; Montoya-Jaramillo, Luis Javier; Palomino-Ángel, Sebastián
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| · Application of pattern recognition to identify the similarity between drugs taking into account adverse reactions Arencibia-Morales, Annia; Febles-Rodríguez, Juan Pedro; Frómeta-Moreno, Yoiler Joaquín
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| · Genetic algorithm for task mapping in embedded systems on a hierarchical architecture based on wireless network on chip WiNoC Sacanamboy-Franco, Maribell; Bolaños-Martinez, Freddy; Bernal-Noreña, Álvaro; Nieto-Londoño, Rubén
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| · Luffa Cylindrica as a natural adsorbent of cyanide ion in aqueous medium Arana, Jorge; González, Sebastián; Navarrete, Luisa; Caicedo, Obradith
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| · Protopectinase-se from Geotrichum klebahnii: Studies of the adsorption and pectin-solubilization capacity Zapata-Zapata, Arley David; Hours, Roque Alberto; Cavalitto, Sebastián Fernando
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| · Analysis and stiffness evaluation of a microparallel kinematic machine Yañez-Valdez, Ricardo
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| · Limits of speed and distance in the transmission of information for an optical link of low cost with noise-free recovery Montoya-Castro, Santiago Abelardo; Herrera-Duran, Mauricio; Barrera-Ramírez, John Fredy
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| · Biomedical applications of polymeric biomaterials Osorio-Delgado, Marlon Andrés; Henao-Tamayo, Leydi Johanna; Velásquez-Cock, Jorge Andrés; Cañas-Gutierrez, Ana Isabel; Restrepo-Múnera, Luz Marina; Gañán-Rojo, Piedad Felisinda; Zuluaga-Gallego, Robín Octavio; Ortiz-Trujillo, Isabel Cristina; Castro-Herazo, Cristina Isabel
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| · (Diluted) Magnetic semiconductor of SnO2- Fe obtained by controlled precipitation Cajas-Daza, Paola Cristina; Muñoz-Meneses, Rodrigo Arbey; Rodríguez-Páez, Jorge Enrique
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| · Blind speaker identification for audio forensic purposes Larrota, Dora María Ballesteros; Renza Torres, Diego; Camacho Vargas, Steven Andrés
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| · Embedded model control, performance limits: A case study Acuña-Bravo, Wilber; Molano-Jiménez, Andrés; Canuto, Enrico
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| · Landslides susceptibility assessment using discriminant analysis. Application on a regional scale Londoño-Linares, Juan Pablo
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| · Development of lightweight concrete subfloor with ethylene vinyl acetate (EVA) aggregates waste to reduce impact sound in flooring system Pacheco, Fernanda; Krumenauer, Marcelo; Reis de Medeiros, Daniel; Oliveira, Maria Fernanda; Fonseca Tutikian, Bernardo
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