Articles |
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| · In vitro Propagation of Solanum dolichosepalum (Solanaceae) Cárdenas-Burgos, Camilo Andrés; Pacheco-Maldonado, José C; Vanzela, André L. L
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| · Morphological Characterization of Selenicereus megalanthus (K. Schum. ex Vaupel) Moran in the Province of Lengupá Cruz Morillo, Ana; Tovar, Yeily Paola; Morillo, Yacenia
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| · Positive Biochemical Diagnosis in Patients with Clinical Suspicion of Niemann Pick C Pardo Echeverría, Liz Carolina; Arrieta Violet, Leopoldo Antonio; Seabra Souza, Fernanda Timm
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| · Structure and Floristic Composition of Tropical Dry Forest of Sanguaré-Sucre (Colombia) Sanmartín-Sierra, Danny Rafael; Angarita-Hernández, Diego Fernando; Mercado-Gómez, Jorge D
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| · Diversity and Conservation of Catasetum (Orchidaceae: Catasetinae) in Department of Santander, Colombia Bonilla Morales, Miguel Macgayver; Aguirre Morales, Adriana Carolina; López Toscano, Holguer
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| · Variation in the Abundances of Homocopris achamas (Harold, 1867) (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae: Scarabaeinae) in the Rabanal Paramo, Boyacá-Colombia Moreno Mancilla, Oscar Felipe; Molano Rendón, Fredy
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| · New Analogies Between Electromagnetic and Gravitational Fields Through the Bel-Robinson Tensor Chacón Velasco, Ángel J; Rizzo Sierra, José A; Rosas, Harold R
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| · Analysis of Ion Propulsion in Asymmetric Capacitors Cubides Alfonso, Fredy Yamith; Lancheros Quiroga, David Leonardo; Chacón-Cardona, César Alexander
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| · Some Remarks About the Cyclic Homology of Skew PBW Extensions Reyes Villamil, Milton Armando; Suárez Suárez, Héctor Julio
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| · The Transient and Asymptotic Moments for the Random Mission Time of a System Calvache, Álvaro; Arunachalam, Viswanathan; Dharmaraja, Selvamuthu
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| · Dynamics of a System Associated with a Piecewise Quadratic Family López Buriticá, Karen; Casanova Trujillo, Simeon; Acosta Medina, Carlos Daniel
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| · Preparation and Characterization of Electrospun Polymeric Membranes of Polycaprolactone and Chitosan for Controlled Release of Thiamine Chlorhydrate Sánchez Cepeda, Ángela Patricia; Vera-Graziano, Ricardo; Muñoz-Prieto, Efrén de Jesús; Gómez-Pachón, Edwin Yesid; Bernad-Bernad, María Josefa; Maciel-Cerda, Alfredo
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| · Prediction of Molal Apparent Heat Capacity and Critical Micellar Concentration (cmc) of Aqueous Solutions of Quaternary Ammonium Salts at Temperature (283.15 to 298.15) K Amado-González, Eliseo; Quijano-Parra, Alfonso; Blanco, Luis H
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| · Synthesis and Copolymerization of Polyimides From Aromatic Amines by Microwave Irradiation Pérez Bernal, Diana Lorena; Muñoz Prieto, Efrén de Jesús; Palacios-Alquisira, Joaquin; Rius-Alonso, Carlos Antonio
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